I've been living in Louisiana for almost four months. In the time that I have been here, I have learned one thing for certain: Southern men have to be the most fucking problematic out of all of the rest in the United States, and that's saying something.
There's a community here called "Four Corners." Today a young woman was murdered by her boyfriend while being three months pregnant (and then he committed suicide). This is the second time within the past month or so something like this has happened and the casualty and excuses in which people speak about it are...disturbing to say the least.

Still, I haven't spoken my piece on it because what is the point? With older people, especially older males, their minds are already made up because they were somehow (fortunate? lucky? "smart"?) enough to make it this far in life, they must have all the answers. I couldn't be more over it if I catapulted myself 100 miles away at a velocity of 2,000 mph. Their conversation on this was, naturally, wondering what would spark such an awful and tragic incident. After the deliberation? "He probably found out the kid wasn't his."

Even. If. That. Was. The. Fucking. Case. And. He. Suspected. He. Wasn't. The. Father. How. The. Fuck. Would. He. Know. If. She. Was. Still. Pregnant?
Original Publication Date: July 17, 2018 5:12 PM
Edit: December 04, 2024 At the time I wrote this, I was not aware of noninvasive paternity tests. This means that a paternity test can in fact be done before the birth of the baby in question.
The longer we continue to tolerate their constant disregard for our safety is the longer we are able to be victimized in our homes, at our jobs, schools. Conversations like that are appalling for me to listen to as a Black woman that will soon be living on her own (more info about that soooooooooooon). It's painful, disgusting, and it honestly makes me wish I'd just go ahead and get more comfortable transitioning into the female side of my bisexuality or at least work my way up to dating outside my race (more on that later as well) (I promise it isn't anything problematic.). Anyway, we need to open a serious discussion about this because I'm highkey tired of the mess. Once I do a little research and find out the name of the woman involved, I will be sure to give a small tribute to her on here.
The longer we continue to tolerate their constant disregard for our safety is the longer we are able to be victimized in our homes, at our jobs, schools. Conversations like that are appalling for me to listen to as a Black woman that will soon be living on her own (more info about that soooooooooooon). It's painful, disgusting, and it honestly makes me wish I'd just go ahead and get more comfortable transitioning into the female side of my bisexuality or at least work my way up to dating outside my race (more on that later as well) (I promise it isn't anything problematic.). Anyway, we need to open a serious discussion about this because I'm highkey tired of the mess. Once I do a little research and find out the name of the woman involved, I will be sure to give a small tribute to her on here.