Thursday, February 21, 2019


"Anything I like goes in the cart. I might spend it all to prove a point..." --Chun Swae, Nicki Minaj feat Swae Lee

The word "petty" is overused and annoying as hell now. It's kind of like "problematic." The terminology is now so redundant and misused that really when something is labelled as such it's almost difficult to give it credibility. Some things I think are petty: coworkers. They're weird as shit. I've never had a job where I liked all or even half of my coworkers. I think it's petty to pseudo-apologize to someone for something you know you did wrong. You know the types of apologies I'm talking about. It's the ones where they're apologizing, but they're still blaming you for whatever they did. 

What I don't think is petty? Unfollowing and/or blocking people on social media. There's literally nothing attached to that I can even say is petty. You think this couple is annoying? Block. You've already ignored this guy's DMs twice, and he's still trying? Block. He/She is posting super cringe material? B L O C K. I don't even keep up with my followers. I know they fluctuate consistently. Every time I post, I lose and/or gain some followers, but hey. People have every right to guard their intake, and if they don't want me as a part of their intake, that's completely fine. 

Now I will be candid as I always am on this blog. I'll unfollow or block anyone for the aforementioned reasons, but I'll also do it to avoid being negative myself.

Let me clarify.

Let's say I'm at a time in my life where I'm really unhappy. Things are just not going right no matter what I do. If there's a person (or some people) that seem super duper happy all on the TL (even if it isn't true), I may have to mute them for a bit to avoid comparisons or sending negativity their way. At the end of the day, it is extremely hard for me to be cheerful for other people when my life sucks. That's a character flaw I'm not actively working on, but I do know it needs to get better. (To clarify, this doesn't include my really close friends. I can always be happy for them because I love them, but even their good news can sometimes skew me a little).

The bottom line is this. We're all growing and evolving. The less we make things seem like personal attacks, the more happy and productive we can be. It will also make it easier so that when we actually are attacked, we know we're not in the wrong for standing up for ourselves. 

Be good and watch your intake.

xoxo, Drea

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