Friday, February 8, 2019

Possible Blog Change????

Alright so I don't know if it's because bitches are nosey or what, BUT it seems my more personal entries are preferred. Since I said I'd come through being an even badder bitch this year (as I do every year. I really just get better with age.), I'm determined to promote my blog more.

Alright, honies. I like the idea of the blog being a "mixtape metaphor." I'm just kind of sick of numbering tracks. I don't know what my next theme will be, and I'm always open to ideas, but you guys don't really interact with me like I wish you would, so I never know exactly what you want. I've long promised a blog entry dealing with porn industry racism, and I still intend to do that, but damn if I do all this research, are you guys actually even going to spend time reading it? That's all I want to know.

This year is going to bring a lot of changes to my personal life and one of those changes includes living with my significant other. I'm excited for this because we have what was referred to in my communications class as a "symmetrical interpersonal relationship." Meaning we're pretty much on the same wavelength all across the board. I like that. I like the idea that I will have my partner alongside me adulting without being invasive or problematic to my space and well-being. I am finally happy despite the fact that I am mentally exhausted a majority of the time. I'll probably feel better once my student refund drops. Money makes my psyche a dozen times better.

I have to go to my part-time today (I mean as I do every weekend), but GOOD GOD I DO NOT FEEL LIKE GOING. I really just need to sleep for about two weeks, and then I could come back and be the Andrea I need to be. Seeing as that's impossible, however, I hope you guys had a better week than me.

xoxo, Drea

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